Now hold on
I’m not looking for sweet talk
I’m looking for time

Music Playlist at

Name aku, Ahmad Anwar B. Umar. I came from a school named Northland Primary School but now Yishun Secondary School. CCA: NPCC and Sepak Takraw. Status: Single. Respect me and I'll respect u back. Don't like my blog? Jus FACK OFF larh

Layout: vehemency

2E7. Afifah. Afyf. Ahmad. Aiman Mohsin. Aryani. Asheera. Athena. Ayu 1/5. Ayu Dewita. Balqis. Bei Yi. Benny. Cher Siew. Emanuel. Fadhli. Farhanah. Faris. Fatin. Firzanah. Hanis. Hidayah. Hui Yi. Hyqel. IqahToncet. James. Jasmine. Jeremy. Jia Ling. Madeline. Megan. Nadia.
Nadia's Private Blog.
Nadzirah. Priscilla. Pei Yi. Rachel Heng. Rachel. Shahira. Shuhadah. Sonia. Suhailah. Vivien. Wei Ting. Yan Pin. Yue Ting. Zuhaidah.

Monday, 5 April 2010, 05:43

Guys, I've moved to
Do link me up, thnks

Saturday, 27 March 2010, 21:27

Whassup guys =D
Woke up arnd 10am today, den bathe blah3...the usual stuff,
I just ate nasi ayam, god, love my mum's cooking
Today not going out anywhere, just gonna stay at home n finish up homework
Man, sure there's alot of things to do...hmm...
Tomorrow, I can't stop thinking about the match, I dunnoe how to express how Im feeling
I guess, maybe tht im nervous? or excited? I dunno, maybe both
Mr Nor said the venue will be different, the flooring will be concrete, means the one similar like under your block, tht kind of flooring..I haven't played in tht kind of flooring b4, the others too, it could be a disadvantage...
I hope the NT don't get into trouble, like truency (dunno spelling) they are well known to get into problems, honestly...

Gunnerkidd signing off...
"Its hard to trust anybody these days.."


'Man, Cant wait to watch this movie, sure It'll be MIND BLASTING, hahas =D
Clash Of The Titans, showing April 1


Heyos everyone =)
Today didn't went out with halim n the rest to play soccer due to some reasons..
Anw, stayed home, do some of my homework n sms2, chat2..
I don't have anything to post about today but I'll just say then my mind's been madly thinking about monday's match. It seems so fast...and then now I have to be mentally prepared as well physically..Next Friday, gonna watch Clash Of the Titans. Woo, can't wait..gonna watch with Zul, Raihan, Aiman, Razi, Rosydi n Iqah n Hanis. Iqah wanted to invite Afyf, guess wad I said, "kaw gilerh?!" hahaha
Everytime, me n raihan n the rest plan to go somewhere we never invite Afyf, EVER
Well I guess thts it, shrt post but better than nothing right..
Gunnerkidd signing off
"Without the world, there won't be you. Without you, there wont't be a world"

Friday, 26 March 2010, 03:56

Hey Y'all
Today was a long day...okay lets take it frm the top
Went to school, met up with frens at parade square n chat2...den lesson strted, first was Art. Continued painting our fishy, hehes..mine's 1/4 finished alrdy, at the end teacher asked us to bring bck home n hand it on monday, wth. Stoopid Samuel, go put paint on my leg, hahas..after that, went to the toilet to wash it..and went for maths lesson. Mrs Pang very the best, wen finishing lesson, turn on music, den let us do some of our hmwrk, I was hooked to the music, den do abit2 onli..hehes. Aft that PW, Mrs Liow...=_="
It was suppose to be PW period, but she did English with us instead, bodoh nyer cekgu...
Den recess, actually have to do prefect duty but didn't, went to the back n played takraw with Afyf n Akmal...Den Yong Wei joined us to play, n i swear, he can play sia...i was impressed though. I might take him into my regu for Inter-Regu after the Nationals.
Recess ended, den continued with lessons... finished I headed to the canteen n met up with my NPCC squadmates. Waited there for about an hour then, went to the toilet to change to my Full Uni. I look good man in the uniform, cheyy..hehs
Went outside the toilet, all the girls was waiting for us, boys. We went to the NP room to keep our bags, but the room was empty, shit...den just went to the foyer, n waited outside the General Office. I bought crackers coz i was abit hungry...few mins later, Mrs Teo came n said the room was alrdy opened, put bag alrdy. Went to AVA room n fall in...SJAB were alrdy there..Got inside den had a brief about Speech Day. Watched a video of 2006 Speech Day, after seeing it went to the parade square with the rest of the UG groups. Did all the drills, march into the parade square den march out...the real thing, have to stay still for 20 or 30 mins, no movement whatsoever...insyallah I have the strength on tht day...
After all the training, packed up changed back to school uniform n went bck home, reli exhausted at tht moment...
Sway arh, got alot of hmwrk...nid redo the summary again, WTH larh...might as well dun do at the first place rite...
Gunnerkid signing off....
"A Lie stands on one leg, the truth on two." Benjamin Franklin